First Prize: Bronwyn Rodden for The Forest at Dusk
Judges’ comments: The painting has a beautiful translucency and is inventive in its composition. A wonderful design and control of colour, giving great creation of depth on a small scale. Delivered with bold and deliberate translucent brush strokes, it has an immediacy which is difficult to achieve on a small scale.
Second Prize: Landon Watts for Garden with Old Laundry Trolley
Judges’ comments: Garden with Old Laundry Trolley has a wonderful painterly quality with the composition interspersed between short brush strokes. Taking the viewer on a familiar journey, with a great sense of fun. The use of yellow is beautifully lively and the vertical format well handled. The whimsical shapes of everyday “bits” collectively drawing the eye in for a second look.
High Commended: Damon Kowarsky for Naam
Judges’ comments: Great design and rhythm within a small area. The densely forested area is superbly broken up by the large block of simplified area to the lower left. The intermittent suggestions of buildings breaking through and the differing structural elements on the skyline are wonderful considered elements.
Jock Young for Afternoon Geilston Bay, Karl Lorenz for Black Rocks and Lisa Nolan for Dawn at Learmonth