How long have you been at WWAS?
I’ve been at the school on and off since 2014
Where do you travel from each week?
What class do you do at WWAS?
Joshua McPherson’s portrait painting class. I love it!
I used to be in Stavros Papantoniou’s Open Studio painting class for a number of years. It came to an end when Covid struck and around the same time he was diagnosed with cancer. It was so devastating. He tragically lost his battle with cancer in March this year & we miss him so much. It was an absolute privilege being his student.
What do you do when you are not creating?
Feeding my two teenage boys – that’s a full time job! If you need a killer recipe for burritos just ask me, it’s a winner! I also work as a companion for a dear lady in a nursing home who I’ve known for a number of years. I’m so fortunate to know her, she’s adorable.
What are you reading or listening to?
I’m reading a great book called Breath by James Nestor. He’s a journalist researching how we breathe and how the smallest changes can impact our health and wellbeing. He takes part in experiments while learning more about breathing, both historically and scientifically. It’s fascinating, funny & gross. He’s very entertaining! Having said that, I’m only a few chapters in.
Who is your tutor and what do you like about them?
I’m in Joshua McPherson’s portrait painting class. He’s incredible. He’s so easy going, encouraging, makes everyone feel comfortable in his class and explains things so clearly & casually as he works his magic on canvas. We learn about values, colour mixing and checking, trying not to over blend & drawing and painting what we actually see as opposed to what we think we can see. Whatever I write about Josh won’t do him any justice, he’s brilliant. Also, if you’re not already passionate about John Singer Sargents paintings, you will be once you’re in this class.
Why did you join WWAS?
I was ready to get back into painting after a 20 year hiatus. When I walked through the front doors I knew this was the place for me.
What are you currently working on?
Currently working on a portrait of a model in our class. It’s the second time he’s been our model. What an amazing face he has.
What inspires or motivates your art practice?
Books on classic painters, photos, galleries, fellow students & lots of artists on Instagram.
Who are your favourite artists?
Where do I begin? So many pasts & so many presents.
What would you say to someone thinking about taking an art class at WWAS?
Just do it! It’s an inspiring place where you learn so much, get to meet so many people and even develop great friendships. It truly is a wonderful place.